Thursday, March 31, 2011

this was Owen one year ago...
and here he is now...!!
Owen is one of the first babies that i've been lucky enough to photograph throughout his first year...four times to be exact!  he has changed so much and gotten so big!  he's also a favorite of mine to photograph cuz he's always so happy....not to mention adorable!  (although his new walking skills added a little challenge this time!) 
happy happy birthday, owen!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

beautiful bride

i am so grateful to Mandy & Lance for allowing me to take their wedding day pictures!  this was the first wedding i've photographed, and it was a great experience and a lot of fun!  there are tons of pics from their day, so i had to break it down a there will be more to come!  but the first had to be the beautiful bride, mandy...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

this cute little momma (a best friend of mine for 12 years!) almost didn't make it to her was trying to decide if he or she should appear or not appear the night before!!  but momma was sent home from the hospital and i rushed over to snap some pictures...between contractions!! 

you and your belly are beautiful, julie, and i'm really excited for you, and i can't wait to meet this little guy...or girl ;)

